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What use does the site make of cookies?

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web beacons

In addition to cookies, we use web beacons for the regular and proper operation of the site, the equations are tiny graphic files with a unique identifier that are embedded in web pages and whose role is to help collect information about the viewing and use of the site. The information collected through the network beacons does not identify you, and is intended to monitor browsing patterns on the website and monitor the preferences of surfers in relation to various contents and services.

How can you prevent the use of cookies and network beacons?

You can avoid the use of cookies and/or remove the network beacons by changing the settings in your browser. For this, please consult the browser’s help file. In some of the services mentioned above, you can request your removal from the collection of “cookie” files about you (using the “Opt Out” option).

Please note that disabling cookies may mean that you cannot use some of the services and features on this website or other websites and impair the browsing experience.

Use of cookies or web beacons by a third party

When visiting our website, you may enter links to other websites, some of which are websites that provide us with services or those that are relevant to our activities. Plastics-up is not responsible for the content or the privacy policy of these websites or providers, and the use of cookies or network beacons by those companies is subject to the privacy policy as published on their website.

For more information and a detailed explanation of the privacy policy on the Plastics-up website <click here>

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preparation of test specimens with relevance to the final application. Also serves a role in the processabilty evaluation and defining processing parameters of the final product.

Injection molding of samples from elastomers to high temperature materials into a temperature regulated mold. Filament production, from hundreds of grams to hundreds of kgs and printing samples for evaluation of print quality, parameters definition, and material properties. Blown film of a lab-scale bubble, to evaluate film quality and performance


Twin screw extrusion of multiple samples for evaluation of composition (loading level %), processing parameters (Temp, RPM, Throughput), add-on sequence 
(Main, Side, Liquid Inj) etc….

Capable of feeding pellets, powders, liquids, recycled materials and much moreā€¦ Controlling the residance time, degree of mixing, and other process parameters Flexible down stream of water or air cooling for water sensitive materials